Don’t have a property that's suited to having a bat box installed but still want to help? You can fund/donate a bat box in a bat friendly reserve, picked out by an ecologist. Your bat box will be numbered and be put on the map on our website. You will also receive a certificate of your donations and will be listed on our web site hall of fame.
Take a look at this information leaflet we’ve made for more information about our native bats and where they live.
Our Kent style bat roosting box has 2 chambers for our native bats and is constructed with non-treated timber and stainless screws. The boxes are carefully crafted with an overlapping roof and minimal gaps to increase insulation properties. All boxes constructed without fillers or glue to be environmentally friendly and safe for bats
Price: $150 incl GST

Most people we talk to in and around Hamilton don’t even realise that we have native bats in New Zealand, let alone in the heart of the city.
Hamilton and the wider Waipa area are lucky to be one of only a few areas in New Zealand with a resident population of long-tailed bats. The long-tailed bat is unique to New Zealand and, together with the short-tailed bat, is New Zealand’s only remaining native land mammal. The long-tailed bat is currently classed as ‘nationally critical’, but we have been doing our part to help change that. In 25 years, long-tailed bats have turned from decreasing at 5% to increasing by 4% per year.
Their natural roosting spots are in tree cavities which doesn't provide them with enough protection often leaving them exposed to predators such as rats, stoats, possums and cats, that's were our bat boxes come in. They are specifically designed to protect the bats and with the band of metal that we secure above and below the box it in nearly impossible for predators to reach them, letting the bats roost in peace.
Want to do your part to save one of our only native mammals, the long-tailed bat? We can help you by:
Supplying you with a bat box to install on your property.
Install a bat box and predator protection for you.
Install a donated bat box in a reserve on your behalf.